Today #day49 of #100daysofcode, I have completed 61.1 & 62.1 Lessons and 61.2 "Average exam score" & 62.2 "Employee map" code project 4 code practice in the JS course. @Sololearn
8. ECMAScript 6
1. ES6 Classes
1.1 Classes in ES6
Create multiple objects of the same structure using class.
Create a class using the keyboard class in JavaScript, this class contains a constructor method that is used for initializing new classes.
For example
class circle {
constructor(radius, angle) {
this.radius = radius;
this.angle = angle;
Create a new object using the keyword new off and already declared class.
keyword new.
For example:
const circle2 = new circle (5, 0);
const arc = new circle (5, 50);
function declarations are hosted i.e you can access it before declaring it.
Class declarations are not hosted i.e you can't access it before declaring it if you access it before declaring the class you will get a reference error.
A class can be named or unnamed when it is declared with the class expression, in named class looks like,
var circle = class circle {
constructor(radius, angle) {
this.radius = radius;
this.angle = angle;
when you define an unnamed class expression, a variable is simply assign the class definition
var circle = class {
constructor(radius, angle) {
this.radius = radius;
this.angle = angle;
The constructor is a special method which is used for creating and initializing an object created with a class.
You cannot define more than one constructor per class.
1.2 Class Methods in ES6
ES6 introduced a shorthand that does not require the keyword function for a function assigned to a method's name.
One type of class method is the prototype method, which is available to objects of the class.
For Example:
class circle {
constructor(radius, angle) {
this.radius = radius;
this.angle = angle;
get area() {
return this.calcArea();
calcArea() {
return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;
const circle2 = new circle(5, 0);
console.log(circle2.area); // 25
In the code above, area is a getter, calcArea is a method.
Static method is another type of method in which you cannot call it through the class instance
In an application, we create utility functions using static methods.
class point {
static equation(p1,p2){
let m = (p1.y-p2.y)/(p1.x-p2.x), c = p1.y-p1.x
return `y=${m}x+${c}`
const p1 = new point(2,7)
const p2 = new point(3,8)
As you can see, the static distance method is called directly using the class name, without an object.
Code: Equation of line code[Click]
1.3 Inheritance in ES6
Use the keyboard extend to create a child in the class declaration or class expression.
class human {
constructor(name) { = name;
vision () {
console.log( + ' can see.');
class man extends human {
vision() {
console.log(`${} always winks`);
let student = new man ('joey');; // joey winks
Code: Inheritance code [click]
In the above code man is a child of human inheriting human properties.
If there is a constructor present in the subclass, it needs to first call super() before using this. Also, the super keyword is used to call parent's methods.
Code: Inheritance super code [click]
In the above code the parents vision method is called using the Super keyword.
2. ES6 Map & Set
2.1 ES6 Map
A Map object can be used to hold key/value pairs. A key or value in a map can be anything (objects and primitive values).
The syntax new Map([iterable]) creates a Map object where iterable is an array or any other iterable object whose elements are arrays (with a key/value pair each).
An Object is similar to Map but there are important differences that make using a Map preferable in certain cases:
The keys can be any type including functions, objects, and any primitive.
You can get the size of a Map.
You can directly iterate over Map.
Performance of the Map is better in scenarios involving frequent addition and removal of key/value pairs. @sololearn
set(key, value) Adds a specified key/value pair to the map. If the specified key already exists, value corresponding to it is replaced with the specified value.
get(key) Gets the value corresponding to a specified key in the map. If the specified key doesn't exist, undefined is returned.
has(key) Returns true if a specified key exists in the map and false otherwise.
delete(key) Deletes the key/value pair with a specified key from the map and returns true. Returns false if the element does not exist.
clear() Removes all key/value pairs from map.
keys() Returns an Iterator of keys in the map for each element.
values() Returns an Iterator of values in the map for each element.
entries() Returns an Iterator of array[key, value] in the map for each element. @sololearn
Code: Map Methods[click]
- Map supports different data types i.e. 1 and "1" are two different keys/values.
2.2 ES6 Set
A Set object can be used to hold unique values (no repetitions are allowed).
A value in a set can be anything (objects and primitive values).
The syntax new Set([iterable]) creates a Set object where iterable is an array or any other iterable object of values.
The size property returns the number of distinct values in a set.
const square = new Set([1,2,4,3,9,4,16])
add(value) Adds a new element with the given value to the Set.
delete(value) Deletes a specified value from the set.
has(value) Returns true if a specified value exists in the set and false otherwise.
clear() Clears the set.
values() Returns an Iterator of values in the set.
Set supports different data types i.e. 1 and "1" are two different values.
NaN and undefined can also be stored in Set.
Code: set methods [click]
8.61 8.62 completed
Classes in ES6
Class Methods in ES6
Inheritance in ES6
ES6 Map
ES6 Set
"Average exam score" code project
"Employee map" code project
Code projects
My Code:
Code: Equation of line code[Click]
"Average exam score" code project
Code: Inheritance super code [click]
Code: Map Methods[click]
"Employee map" code project
Code: set methods [click]