Learning Microsoft Azure Fundamentals for AZ 900 Exam Day 15

Learning Microsoft Azure Fundamentals for AZ 900 Exam Day 15


2 min read

Today Day 15 of #AzureFundamentals, I have completed Units 11,12 /14 of Modules 2/4 of LP 2 Describe Azure architecture and services, Azure Fundamentals for Exam AZ 900.

LP 2Describe Azure architecture and services
Module 2/4Describe Azure Compute and Network Services
Unit 11,12/1411. Describe Azure ExpressRoute

12. Describe Azure DNS |

I. Unit 11/14

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  1. Describe Azure ExpressRoute

  2. Describe Azure DNS

Learning Objectives,

Module 2 - Describe Azure Compute and Network services,

  1. Describe Azure compute services including virtual machines and container instances and Azure functions,

  2. Describe Azure VM options including vms azure vm scale sets azure vm availability set azure virtual desktop

  3. Describe resources required for Azure Vms

  4. Describe application hosting options, including Vms, containers, azure web apps,

  5. Describe Azure Virtual Networks, including the purpose of Azure virtual networks, azure virtual subnet, peering, azure DNS, VPN gateway and express route,

  6. Describe public and private endpoints

Source: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals [Link]

Author: Dheeraj.y

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