Today #Day60 of #100DaysOfCode, I am Building a random background color generator.
I pre-designed what I am going to build as shown below,
So, yesterday Day59 I generated random values and random letters from the two arrays, Now Today Day60 Let's try to complete HTML, CSS, remaining JavaScipt code.
Let's define a button,
Let's try to define a position variable object arrow function that will be called for every single digit of the X code so that you will get a random letter or number,
let positions = ()=>{
const keyGen = Math.floor(Math.random() * arrayshold.size + 1)
const randomarray = arrayshold.get(keyGen)
let arrlen
if (keyGen === 1) arrlen = values.length
else arrlen = letters.length
const arrindGen = Math.floor(Math.random() * arrlen)
pos = randomarray[arrindGen]
return pos
It worked, test case Image is shown below
After that, let's grab the button using queryselector
const button = document.querySelector('button')
Then, let's define an add event listener which will listen for the click and change the background of the document,
Now, Let's define a hexcode const variable to store these randomly generated numbers and letters and call the positions() functions,
Lets print it to console to test,
const hexcode = `#${positions()}`
yes, it prints random values and letters as shown below,
Now, Let's call the positions() function 6 times and store the hexcode,
const hexcode =
Yes, It's working as shown below,[ I manually input the hex code to the value for the background color property inside the body selector]
Now, Let's assign the hex code variable to the body object inside the addeventlistener function, = hexcode
At last, The code I wrote is working as shown below,
Let's define a div with a class with a paragraph tag and span tag,
<div class="BGcontent">
<p> BackgroundColor :
<span class="hexcode">
Let's Export the hex code value to the span with the class name hex code,
const hexexport = document.querySelector('.hexcode')
Now, assign the variable hexcode value inside the event listener, So display the background color in hex code.
hexexport.innerHTML = hexcode
You can assign this hexcode to style the color of the text as shown below, = hexcode
Let's add Styling and center the button,
Define the property display, justify-content center,
div.button {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
Let's add styling to the button
change the font size and font type keyway border radius,
change the width and height of the button,
button {
font: 1.5em sans-serif;
border-radius: 12px;
outline: none;
box-shadow: 0 1px 10px #2c2a2a;
background-color: #cf4e4e;
transition: 0.6s ease;
width: 17.5em;
height: 2.7em;
Finally, I completed Coding the Background Color generator in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
JS template literals
JS style.backgroundColor property
CSS display flex
CSS display grid
CSS picking child elements
Background Color generator Code
Background Color generator
Today, I completed coding 60 Days of #100DaysOfCode. Built 11 projects in 60 Days out of which 90% are my own code and Ideas.
✅ Day1 to Day11 : 1) Built My own project website idea from scratch.
✅ Day12 and Day13 : 2) JavaScript Countdown timer project
✅ Day14 and Day15 : 3) CSS gradient bar project
✅ Day16 and Day17 : 4) CSS 6 cards project
✅ Day18 : 5) Adding contents and styling my website resume
✅ Day19 and Day20 : 6) CSS hover me transition project
✅ Day21 to Day50 : 7) JavaScript course @Sololearn (Completed)
✅ Day51 to Day55 : 8) Built Rock Paper Scissors in JavaScript taught by @ania_kubow.
✅ Day56 to Day57 : 9) Building Advanced Rock Paper Scissors in JavaScript taught by [WebDevSimplified]
✅ Day58 : 10) Built a Mini Project to create a div after another div using JS, and CSS visually.
✅ Day 59 to Day 60 : 11) Built Random Background color Generator.