Building A Weather App In JavaScript Day 71

Building A Weather App In JavaScript Day 71


3 min read

Today #Day71 of #100DaysOfCode, I practiced Object DestructuringI am coding and explaining the 'How To Build A Weather App In JavaScript Without Needing A Server' project taught by [Web Dev Simplified]

Object Destructuring

const person = {
    height: 6,
    eyes: 'blue',
    weight: '60kg',
    location: 'earth',
const arr = ['temp','bp','mp','ram',7];

const {...person2} = person;

const [...arr2] = arr;


const {a,b,c,d} = person;
console.log(a); //null

const {height} = person;
console.log(height) ;//6

const num2 = [];
const obj = { a:1,b:2};
({a:num2[0],b:num2[1] } = obj);

Code: Object Destructuring [link]

Weather App project

What is this project about?

Full-fledged weather app using HTML CSS and JavaScript using free APIs.

What skills do I get?

Data parsing API access

CSS styling


Why do this project?

Open meteo API has URL and you just call this URL to access information and NO API keys are needed.

1. Setup

we're gonna be using vite to set up our project in the terminal

In terminal,

npm create vite@latest

Tip: In terminal when navigating using cd if you come across a folder with space and you want to navigate enclose that folder name in quotes.

Give . to create in the current project folder opened or else give a new project name,

select vanilla framework in the next line,

select JavaScript variant in the next line,

type npm i to install all the packages

npm i

to run our project

npm dev run

After that, use ctrl+click to open the live view server,

Delete the default CSS styling and JavaScript code in the main.js file

To import our css in JS

import " ./style.css"

Always Check if your CSS file is imported in the HTML file or JS file or not.

Delete the counter.js file as we don't need.

Delete the SVG file inside the Public folder

Delete the Javascript.svg file too.

In index HTML file delete the svg linked code and also the div in the body tag.

As we have imported the CSS file to the JavaScript file we don't need to add linktag inside the HTML page.

Use defer attribute to load .js file after loading HTML file.

<script type="module" src="/main.js" defer></script>

Download and copy the icons, SVGs, and Fonts from the kyle GitHub [Link] and paste them into the public folder.


Learned Object Destructuring and Completed the Setup portion of Building weather API.


  1. code

    Object Destructuring

Source: Code with WebDevSimplified [click]

Author: Dheeraj.y

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