Building GitHub Profile Day151


1 min read

Today #Day151 of #365DaysOfCode, I am Building my GitHub profile.

1. GitHub Profile

Create a GitHub Profile.

2. New Repository

Create a new repository with the same name (including casing) as your GitHub username



4. Github Statistics

Change the ?username= value to your GitHub username. [Link]

[![username's GitHub stats](]

You can add the count of all your private contributions to the total commits count by using the query parameter &count_private=true.

![username's GitHub stats](

To enable icons, you can pass &show_icons=true in the query param, like so:

![username's GitHub stats](

5. Github Profile Generator

Follow this link to generate a profile in GitHub [Link]

6. Github Profile Show views Generator

![Profile views](

7. Show most used languages

![Top Langs](

8. GitHub streak stats

![GitHub streak stats](

9. GitHub icon

[<img src='' alt='github' height='40'>](

10. GitHub readme Generator

You can follow this site to completely generate a GitHub readme [Link]


I have Successfully built my GitHub profile.


  1. code


  2. preview


Source: GitHub Profile Readme[Link][Link][Link]

Author: Dheeraj.y

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