Building my resume using HTML CSS JS - Day 18

Building my resume using HTML CSS JS - Day 18


1 min read

Today's day 18 Goal is to add contents and socials links, improvements to code in my project resume.


  1. Added contents to my html page.
  1. Write the following code.
<a href="http://">Github</a>


How to add gradient color background to your HTML file

  1. Write the following code.
background: linear-gradient
(90deg, hsla(141, 81%, 87%, 1) 0%, 
hsla(41, 88%, 75%, 1) 50%, hsla(358, 82%, 71%, 1) 100%);




  1. Added contents to my resume html.

  2. Added gradient background property.

My Code:

day 18 resume.png

Author: Dheeraj.y