Building - Rock Paper Scissors in JavaScript - Day55

Building - Rock Paper Scissors in JavaScript - Day55


3 min read

Today #day55 of #100daysofcode, I am coding and explaining Advanced level 'Rock Paper Scissors' code game project in JavaScript taught by @ania_kubow.


  1. create a div with id choices

    <div id="choices"></div>
  2. create a h2 tag with id

    <h2 id="result"></h2>


Let's go to the app.JS file where the magic happens,

  1. let's queryselector() method because we haven't used it beginner level and intermediate level , to to pick the choices ID and result ID

    const resultDisplay = document.querySelector('#result')
    const choicesDisplay = document.querySelector('#choices')
  2. Next, let's define an array with constant variable name choices,

    const choices = ['rock','paper','scissor']
  3. Then, let's use for each method and Loop it through the array values and create for each value a button

    choices.forEach(choice => {
  4. After that, let's create an addEventlistener method for each button to listen for the click.

    button.innerHTML = choice
  5. Next, add the button we created as a child choicesDisplay variable using appendchild() method.

  6. Now, let's define the handle click function

    const handleclick = (e)=> {
        getResults(,choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length)])
  7. Next, let's define the getResults function

    const getResults = (userChoice,computerChoice)=>{

It doesn't matter what you call the parameters inside paranthesis like ania_kubow said here in her [video]

It doesn't matter what we call it , I could call this

blugh [ proceeds to stare at camera]

for all the javascript cats

- ania_kubow

  1. Then, Let's define the switch case

     switch (userChoice + computerChoice) {
            case 'RockPaper':
            case 'PaperScissor':
            case 'ScissorRock':
                resultDisplay.innerHTML = `You chose ${ userChoice} and Computer chose ${computerChoice} and You Lost!`
            case 'RockScissor':
            case 'PaperRock':
            case 'ScissorPaper':
                resultDisplay.innerHTML = `You chose ${ userChoice} and Computer chose ${computerChoice} and You Win!`
            case 'RockRock':
            case 'PaperPaper':
            case 'ScissorScissor':
                resultDisplay.innerHTML = `You chose ${ userChoice} and also the Computer chose ${computerChoice} and Its a Draw!`


If you want to give styling,

body {
  background-color: aliceblue;
  text-align: center;
div {
  display: inline-block;
  background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
  margin-top: 15%;
  border-radius: 30px;
  width: 15%;
  height: 25px;
  padding-top: 1.5%;
  padding-left: 1.8%;
  padding-right: 1%;
  padding-bottom: 1%;
  box-shadow: 0 5px 20px #c6c6c6;
  transition: 0.5s ease;
  backdrop-filter: blur(25px) saturate(180%);
button {
  border-radius: 8px;
  background-color: rgba(210, 105, 30, 0.412);
  margin-top: 0%;
  margin-right: 8%;
  box-shadow: 0 5px 20px #c6c6c6;
  transition: 0.5s ease;
  backdrop-filter: blur(25px) saturate(180%);
  margin-top: 2%;
  margin-left: 41.6%;
  padding-top: 3%;
  padding-left: 1%;
  padding-right: 1%;
  background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
  border-radius: 30px;
  width: 15%;
  height: 150px;
  box-shadow: 0 5px 20px #c6c6c6;
  transition: 0.5s ease;
  backdrop-filter: blur(25px) saturate(180%);


I completed Building Advanced level Rock Paper Scissor JavaScript Game Taught by ania_kubow.


  1. querySelector()

  2. arrow function

  3. CSS text-align,display: inline-block,margin properties

  4. Completed Building Advanced level 'Rock Paper Scissors' code project in JavaScript.

Thanks, Ania Kubów just completed all three Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced! level to code Rock Paper Scissors in JavaScript. I understood every line.

It was fun. After completing this video I am pronouncing sci-ssors not scissors... Thanks for Teaching, Ania Kubów.


  1. Code

Source: Code with Ania kubow [click]

Author: Dheeraj.y

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