Today #Day98 of #100DaysOfCode, I am coding and explaining 'Configuring Node.js Web Server' taught by [WebDevSimplified].
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Node.JS is simply a method to execute your JavaScript code outside of the browser.
Why node.js?
We are going to create a webserver using node.js.
We have an extension called 'live server' in VScode extensions. we are going to create one like this.
Create a JavaScript file server.js
inside this server.JS file, we need to create a web server to listen to a port,
you need a library called HTTP to start the server,
const http = require('http')
create a port variable and define the port number to make the server to start listening to,
const port = 3000
create a server,
first create a server variable and then using HTTP library create server this function takes 2 arguments request and response,
const server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
setup our server to make it listen to the port,
console.log(`Something went wrong on port ${port}`)
console.log(`Server is listening on port ${port}`)
implement function,
to return response to the user
res.write('Hello Node')
to end our server,
render our HTML,
create html file,
Now to send this HTML file,
tell the browser that we are going to write HTML,
200 - status code - everything went fine
Now, to read the HTML file, we need to import another library fs,
const fs = require('fs')
call the read file function of fs,
this read file function takes two arguments,
1st argument is give the name of the file you want to read,
2nd argument is another function that takes error and data arguments
fs.readFile("index.html", (error, data) => {
if (error) {
res.write("Error: File Not Found");
} else {
restart server
To run our server,
node followed by file name,
node server.js
to end our server
ctrl + c
Browser URL
To check the existing node version,
node -v
Problem - style sheet not loading though I include the link tag.
Solution: I then Included the style tag and moved the CSS styles into the HTML file.
I successfully completed setting up my webserver using node.js. Learned about fs library and readFile method().
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