Learning JS Course @Sololearn - Day37

Learning JS Course @Sololearn - Day37


2 min read

Today #day37 of #100daysofcode, I have completed 6.39 and 6.40 lessons and a code practice problem in JS course. @Sololearn

core objects

array properties and methods

The length Property

  • JavaScript arrays have useful built-in properties and methods.
  • an array length property returns number of its elements.
  • the length property returns the number which is always higher than the array indexes.
  • If the array is empty, the length property returns 0.

Combining Arrays

  • The concat() method in JavaScript allows you to join arrays and create an entirely new array.

associative arrays

  • While many programming languages support arrays with named indexes (text instead of numbers), JavaScript does not support associative arrays. However, you can still use the named array syntax to generate an object.
  • Arrays with named indexes are not supported by JavaScript. Arrays in JavaScript always use numbered indexes.
  • When you want the index to be a string, it is preferable to use an object. When you want the index to be a number, use an array.


  • 6.39 and 6.40 lessons completed. 7. day37 6.40 completed.png


  • array properties and methods
  • The length Property
  • Combining Arrays
  • associative arrays
  • quiz
  • code problem

My Code:

  • Code problem 2. day37 prog prob.png

References Sololearn

Author: Dheeraj.y

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