Learning JS Course @Sololearn - Day45

Learning JS Course @Sololearn - Day45


3 min read

Today #day45 of #100daysofcode, I have completed 8.55 & 8.56 lessons and a "London is the capital of GB" code practice problem in the JS course. @Sololearn

ECMAScript 6

What is ECMA?

  • European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA).

  • ECMA is a standard, and Javascript and Jscript are an implementation of those standards.

Intro to ES6

  • ECMAScript (ES) is a scripting language specification created to standardize JavaScript.

  • ES6 - 2015

  • ES13 - June 2022

ES6 variables and strings

3 Ways of declaring a variable in ES6

var a = 10;
const b = 'hello';
let c = true;
  • The type of declaration used depends on the necessary scope.

  • The scope is the fundamental concept in all programming languages that defines the visibility of a variable.

var type declaration

  • var keyword, which defines a variable globally, or locally to an entire function regardless of block scope.

  • var -> variable

  • you can reassign where type declare declaration.

let type declaration

  • let allows you to declare variables that are limited in scope to the block, statement, or expression in which they are used.

  • The best use for let is in loops.

  • let is not subject to Variable Hoisting, which means that let declarations do not move to the top of the current execution context.

  • You can reassign a let type declared declaration.

const type declaration

  • const variables have the same scope as variables declared using let.

  • The difference is that const variables are immutable i.e they are not allowed to be reassigned.

  • const is not subject to Variable Hoisting too, which means that const declarations do not move to the top of the current execution context.


  • Also, note that ES6 code will run only in browsers that support it. Older devices and browsers that do not support ES6 will return a syntax error.


  • "var" is for globlal scope.

  • "let" is for block scope.

  • "const" is for block scope and value of it unchangeable

Template Literals in ES6

  • Template literals are a way to output variables in the string.

Before ES6 we had to break the string. For example,

let name='spiderman'
let log = 'friendly neighbourhood' + name + '!'
  • ES6 introduces a new way of outputting variable values in strings.

The same code above can be rewritten as:

let name='spiderman'
let log = `friendly neighbourhood' ${name} '!'`
  • Observe, that template literals are encapsulated by the backtick (` `) character instead of double or single quotes(like in ES5).

  • The ${expression} is a placeholder, and can include any expression, which will get evaluated and inserted into the template literal.


  • To escape a backtick in a template literal, put a backslash \ before the backtick.


  • 8.55 & 8.56 completed


  • ECMAScript 6

  • What is ECMA?

  • Intro to ES6

  • ES6 variables and strings

  • 3 Ways of declaring a variable in ES6

  • Template Literals in ES6

My Code:

  • London is the capital of GB

References Sololearn

Author: Dheeraj.y

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