Learning Microsoft Azure Fundamentals for AZ 900 Exam Day 11

Learning Microsoft Azure Fundamentals for AZ 900 Exam Day 11


2 min read

Today Day 11 of #AzureFundamentals, I have completed Units 3,4/14 of Modules 2/4 of LP 2 Describe Azure architecture and services, Azure Fundamentals for Exam AZ 900.

LP 2Describe Azure architecture and services
Module 2/4Describe Azure Compute and Network Services
Unit 3,4/143. Exercise - Create an Azure Virtual Machine

4. Describe Azure Virtual Desktop |

I. Unit 3/14

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Azure CLI - cloud shell

Practice shell commands,

  •   az version
      az upgrade
  •   bash
      az interactive

Installing VM,

  •   az vm create 
        --resource-group [sandbox resource group name] 
        --name my-vm 
        --public-ip-sku Standard 
        --image Ubuntu2204 
        --admin-username azureuser 

Installing Nginx,

  •   az vm extension set 
        --resource-group [sandbox resource group name] 
        --vm-name my-vm 
        --name customScript 
        --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions 
        --version 2.1 
        --settings '{"fileUris":
        --protected-settings '{"commandToExecute": "./configure-nginx.sh"}'

II. Unit 4/14

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Learning Objectives,

  1. Exercise - Create an Azure Virtual Machine

  2. Describe Azure Virtual Desktop

Source: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals [Link], YT [Link]

Author: Dheeraj.y

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