Today Day 20 of #AzureFundamentals, I have completed Units 5,6 /9 of Modules 3/4 of LP 2 Describe Azure architecture and services, Azure Fundamentals for Exam AZ 900.
LP 2 | Describe Azure architecture and services |
Module 3/4 | Describe Azure Storage Services |
Unit 5,6/9 | 5. Exercise - create a storage blob, |
6. Identify Azure data migration options. |
I. Unit 5/9
Azure Portal
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Azure Learn Sandbox CLI
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Task - 1
Create a storage account using az storage account create
, the SKU of the storage account defaults to ' Standard _RAGRS'
Learn Microsoft Docs [Link]
az storage account create \ --name mytempstorageaccount \ --resource-group learn.. \ --access-tier hot \ --kind blobstorage \ --location westus \ --sku standard_LRS
Microsoft learn Sandbox will create a storage account automatically,
list storage accounts,
az storage account list
output [ { "accessTier": null, "allowBlobPublicAccess": true, "allowCrossTenantReplication": null, "allowSharedKeyAccess": null, "allowedCopyScope": null, "azureFilesIdentityBasedAuthentication": null, "blobRestoreStatus": null, "creationTime": "2023-08-28T08:42:09.470039+00:00", "customDomain": null, "defaultToOAuthAuthentication": null, "dnsEndpointType": null, "enableHttpsTrafficOnly": false, "enableNfsV3": null, "encryption": { "encryptionIdentity": null, "keySource": "Microsoft.Storage", "keyVaultProperties": null, "requireInfrastructureEncryption": null, "services": { "blob": { "enabled": true, "keyType": "Account", "lastEnabledTime": "2023-08-28T08:42:09.876276+00:00" }, "file": { "enabled": true, "keyType": "Account", "lastEnabledTime": "2023-08-28T08:42:09.876276+00:00" }, "queue": null, "table": null } }, "extendedLocation": null, "failoverInProgress": null, "geoReplicationStats": null, "id": "/subscriptions/01383f7e-b3be-4607-a9f3-b77a8c998aa5/resourceGroups/learn-f1359616-78eb-4e80-9a9a-dfc528bf09ad/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/cloudshell1340719050", "identity": null, "immutableStorageWithVersioning": null, "isHnsEnabled": null, "isLocalUserEnabled": null, "isSftpEnabled": null, "keyCreationTime": { "key1": "2023-08-28T08:42:09.595035+00:00", "key2": "2023-08-28T08:42:09.595035+00:00" }, "keyPolicy": null, "kind": "Storage", "largeFileSharesState": null, "lastGeoFailoverTime": null, "location": "southeastasia", "minimumTlsVersion": "TLS1_0", "name": "cloudshell1340719050", "networkRuleSet": { "bypass": "AzureServices", "defaultAction": "Allow", "ipRules": [], "resourceAccessRules": null, "virtualNetworkRules": [] }, "primaryEndpoints": { "blob": "", "dfs": null, "file": "", "internetEndpoints": null, "microsoftEndpoints": null, "queue": "", "table": "", "web": null }, "primaryLocation": "southeastasia", "privateEndpointConnections": [], "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "publicNetworkAccess": null, "resourceGroup": "learn-f1359616-78eb-4e80-9a9a-dfc528bf09ad", "routingPreference": null, "sasPolicy": null, "secondaryEndpoints": null, "secondaryLocation": "eastasia", "sku": { "name": "Standard_GRS", "tier": "Standard" }, "statusOfPrimary": "available", "statusOfSecondary": "available", "storageAccountSkuConversionStatus": null, "tags": { "ms-resource-usage": "azure-cloud-shell", "x-created-by": "productsandboxes" }, "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" } ]
Show storage account properties,
az storage account show \ -g learn.. \ -n mytempstorageaccount
Update the properties of the storage account,
az storage account update
storage account keys,
az storage account keys list \ --account-name cloudshell1340719050
Output: [ { "creationTime": "2023-08-28T08:42:09.595035+00:00", "keyName": "key1", "permissions": "FULL", "value": "3oLB3qb9KD9DBwtc8YZ8PGkcsCl5NvuMxSY77OqhowyaV9qcI1FajgYxFpbNCLzitirH7NTGfNtP+ASt6p/2MQ==" }, { "creationTime": "2023-08-28T08:42:09.595035+00:00", "keyName": "key2", "permissions": "FULL", "value": "yaSfn50548aWutm7YPSdeAD7t4BWX1rri0TnJVNiUDlS4aSb/X9sd4uEmrTp2LJcUTRKc/H1TlAE+AStCnCe6Q==" } ]
Storage account connection string,
az storage account show-connection-string \ --resource-group learn-f1359616-78eb-4e80-9a9a-dfc528bf09ad \ --name cloudshell1340719050
{ "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;; AccountName=cloudshell1340719050; AccountKey=3oLB3qb9KD9DBwtc8YZ8PGkcsCl5NvuMxSY77OqhowyaV 9qcI1FajgYxFpbNCLzitirH7NTGfNtP+ASt6p/2MQ==; BlobEndpoint=; FileEndpoint=; QueueEndpoint=; TableEndpoint=" }
Task - 2 .1
create a container in a storage account,
By default, container data is private (off
) to account owner.
Use blob
to allow public read access for blobs.
Use container
to allow public read access and list access to the entire container.
list container in a storage account,
az storage container list \ --account-name cloudshell1340719050 \ --connection-string "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;;AccountName=cloudshell1340719050; AccountKey=3oLB3qb9KD9DBwtc8YZ8PGkcsCl5NvuMxSY77Oqhowya V9qcI1FajgYxFpbNCLzitirH7NTGfNtP+ASt6p/2MQ==; BlobEndpoint=; FileEndpoint=; QueueEndpoint=; TableEndpoint="
create a container in a storage account,
az storage container create \ --name mytempstoragecontainer \ --account-name cloudshell1340719050 \ --public-access off \ --resource-group learn-f1359616-78eb-4e80-9a9a-dfc528bf09ad
Now, execute the list storage container,
[ { "deleted": null, "encryptionScope": { "defaultEncryptionScope": "$account-encryption-key", "preventEncryptionScopeOverride": false }, "immutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled": false, "metadata": null, "name": "mytempstoragecontainer", "properties": { "etag": "\"0x8DBA7A492550206\"", "hasImmutabilityPolicy": false, "hasLegalHold": false, "lastModified": "2023-08-28T08:55:47+00:00", "lease": { "duration": null, "state": "available", "status": "unlocked" }, "publicAccess": null }, "version": null } ]
Page 4
Task - 2.2
az blob storage
Manage object storage for unstructured data (blobs)
List blob,
az storage blob list \ --container-name mytempstoragecontainer \ --account-name cloudshell1340719050
Upload a file to a storage blob,
create a new blog from a file path, or updates the content of an existing blob with automatic chunking and progress notifications,
az storage blob upload \ --file /path/to/file \ --container-name mytempstoragecontainer \ --name mytempblob
Uploading file inside Learn Sandbox Environment is not possible so I
uploaded data to blob,
az storage blob upload --data "testing blob from azure learn sandbox cli" \ --container-name mytempstoragecontainer \ --name mytempblob \ --account-name cloudshell1340719050 \ --account-key "3oLB3qb9KD9DBwtc8YZ8PGkcsCl5NvuMxSY77Oqho wyaV9qcI1FajgYxFpbNCLzitirH7NTGfNtP+ASt6p/2MQ==" \ --overwrite
create the URL to access a blob,
az storage blob url \ --container-name mytempstoragecontainer \ --name mytempblob \ --account-name cloudshell1340719050 \ --account-key "3oLB3qb9KD9DBwtc8YZ8PGkcsCl 5NvuMxSY77OqhowyaV9qcI1FajgYxFpbNCLzitirH7NTGfNtP+ASt6p/2MQ=="
Copy the URL from the URL field and paste it into a new tab,
you will get error because the public access level is set to off,
Task - 3
Change the access level of your blob
az storage container set-permission \ --account-name cloudshell1340719050 \ --name mytempstoragecontainer \ --public-access blob
Refresh the tab where you attempted to access the file earlier.
Since I uploaded a data string, I received a txt file,
II. Unit 6/9
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Learning Objectives,
Exercise - create a storage blob,
Identify Azure data migration options.