Today's day 15 Goal is to Build and learn by creating a gradient loading bar in Html & CSS from YT Tutorial. Successfully completed leading bar project by building and learning.
1. What is ::before pseudo element selector in CSS?
- Before pseudo selector in CSS places content before a class element.
.loader::before {}
2. How to get linear gradient in CSS?
- Write the following code.
background: linear-gradient(
rgb(64, 169, 222),
rgb(147, 183, 110),
rgb(91, 12, 156),
rgba(203, 78, 111, 0.333)
3. How how to give animation in CSS?
- Write the following code.
animation: animate 20 s linear infinite;
4. How to animate in css using keyframes?
- Write the following code.
@keyframes animate
background-position: 0 0;
background-position: 500% 0;
::before pseudo element selector in CSS.
Linear gradient in CSS.
Animation property.
Animate using keyframes.
Successfully completed leading bar project by building and learning.
My Code:
Source: YT
Author: Dheeraj.y