Rewriting my Backup Calculator Day64

Rewriting my Backup Calculator Day64


1 min read

Today #Day64 of #100DaysOfCode, I Finally completed Re-Building my Backup Calculator.

As shown above, I created an HTML page for my backup calculator project.


Use media queries to adapt your content to the view port,

I put a total of 6 media queries to make responsive to the view window, showing only 2,

@media screen and (width<1475px) {
  .p1div {
    grid-template-columns: 16vw 7vw 10vw;
@media screen and (941px<width<1460px) {
  .p1div {
    grid-template-columns: 17em 8em 10em;
  .q4 {
    min-width: 18em;
  .main-dropdownbox {
    min-width: 8em;
  .q5 {
    min-width: 12em;


Now, I gonna dump my JS code

It consists of calculations for my project.


Problem - 1


Fixed the responsiveness using media queries.

Lessons I learned, I didn't provide the min-width and max-width I will implement this concept in the next responsive design.


I Finally Completed my re-coding of my Backup calculator project with a new design and colors and was completely responsive to the view window and mobile friendly as shown.

  1. JS code

  2. CSS media queries

  3. Lot of CSS

My Code

  1. Code [ video showing responsiveness [link] ]

Author: Dheeraj.y

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